Unfortunately, the answer is not so straightforward, but here is how I normally reply...
*(Note that because I mainly do websites for small businesses, this information is mostly aimed at local service business websites)
Search engine ranking results are subject to many variables and the
algorithms used by search engines to assess websites. Google in particular is
extremely complex and even the best SEO experts in the World cannot 100%
guarantee results for top of the page (the ideal position) unless there was very
little competition.
It’s a bit of a lottery really, but the chances of getting good results
depend on a few key factors.
Keyworded meta tags (optimised page titles and descriptions) –
Keyworded domain name (helpful but not essential)
Optimised image tags
Optimised headings and sub headings <h1> <h2>
Optimised headings and sub headings <h1> <h2>
Mobile friendly or not mobile friendly (becoming more important)
Good quality inbound links (from related sites and top business directories)
Amount of traffic to your site (traffic generated from social media pages is now becoming more important)
Good quality inbound links (from related sites and top business directories)
Amount of traffic to your site (traffic generated from social media pages is now becoming more important)
Age of website
Speed that your website loads up
Amount of competing websites and how well optimised they compare to
The plain fact is, the more pages your website has, the more chances it has
of getting a listing for the search keywords that each individual page of your
website is optimised for.
Obviously, if your budget is limited, and lets say that 3 pages is the
maximum, then those 3 pages have to be optimised for the best 3 keyword phrases
you want your site to be found for. The best keyword phrases though are usually
the most competitive.
Search engine rankings is now a very competitive business. But as well as
search results I would recommend using other forms of advertising to get people
to your website, i.e. business cards, leaflets, vehicle signage, social media, business directory
links etc.